In issue 46 of Engage BMS World Mission issues a Christmas challenge

In it’s latest edition of Engage, BMS World Mission pulls no punches in the way it describes the effects that the lack of clean water is having on some of the world’s most vulnerable people. “Dirty water,” it states “is a death sentence in Afghanistan. Children are dying from preventable waterborne diseases like typhoid and cholera – but this Christmas all that’s changing.”   

The reason for such optimism is the organisation’s belief that by people like you and I giving to its winter appeal – Save lives at Christmas and by them then “working alongside trusted partners and Afghan communities to dig wells and to harness the power of fresh mountain springs”  the plight of at least some of these people will be eased.

The feature, which appears on page 16 of Engage Issue 46 is just one of a number of stories and features that provide the reader with genuine, first hand accounts of the impact BMS and other such aid groups are having across the world.

Alongside this edition, however, there’s also a Prayer Guide which runs daily from January to April 2020. As in the magazine, here again the focus is on the work that BMS personnel and their supporters are engaged in in places as far apart as Peru, France, Chad, Nepal, Israel-Palestine and Thailand.

Engage, which is totally free either by post or on line by following the links from  is full of both challenge and hope so sign up now and let’s see what we can do to help.

MBC’s BMS World Mission coordinator is Roger Robson and besides being able to help you sign up to Engage he can also suggest lots of other ways you can support this great organisation.


Exciting news from MBC’s Overseas Mission Group as we add Andrea and Mark to our list of Church Partners

Following on from the recent visit of Chris and Debbie Drew to MBC and their message of Christian Hope and Courage from their work with BMS in Afghanistan and Nepal, I thought it a good time to give the church an update about our connections as a Church with work overseas.

Since the Church was formed we have channelled our main support and interest through BMS World Mission [the Baptist Missionary Society] and over the years a good number of people have been sent out with BMS from Moortown for work in many different parts of the world. More recently we have followed the scheme of having Mission Partners – namely John and Sue Wilson (right) in France and Chris and Debbie Drew. They have kept in touch through letters, emails and video and visits to speak when on Home Leave. As Chris and Debbie have now returned with their family to the UK, they are no longer with BMS and so we have added a new Mission Couple as our Church Partners. They are Mark and Andrea Hotchkin.

The Hotchkins (pictured above) are both Doctors with grown up daughters at University in the UK. They previously worked with BMS for 10 years in Guinea, West Africa, and, since 2010, have been working in the sub-Saharan country of Chad – for six years at a hospital near the capital N’Djamena and now in a remote area in the North of the country. Their home church is Wakefield Baptist. We hope that over time we will get to know them and their work and be able to support them through prayer, along with the Wilsons. We also hope to have them visit us when next on Home Leave.

As a start in finding out about them they run a Blog – Chad Chatter- at

Recent prayer letters and information about our BMS Partners are posted on the boards inside the TV cupboard in the Meeting Area. Please have a look and if you would like to receive your own copies of letters please see Roger Robson.

Apart from BMS work we also support our own members Christopher and Bela Singh (left) who work with WEC [Worldwide Evangelisation Crusade] – Radio Worldwide. They are based in Leeds and Rothwell and Chris makes regular trips overseas to train Christians in the use of Radio and Modern Media in Christian work. Their prayer letters are also displayed in the Meeting Area and you can learn about how you can support them more closely and financially from those letters and by speaking to them!

Thirdly, particularly through David Casson, we give support to Mission Aviation Fellowship -MAF- and David gives regular updates of their work in Mission Spots in services.

The Overseas Mission Group meets 3 or 4 times a year to seek ways of promoting more support for the work overseas. Recently some members of the Group have moved away, and we are looking to widen the scope of the group by recruiting new members. To this end we would like to make our next meeting at 7pm on Monday 6th January 2020 an Open one.

Anyone with an interest in widening the Church’s promotion of mission worldwide is warmly invited to come along. More about this later but make a note in your diary.

Roger Robson

MBC – one of 549 churches to help Tearfund raise vitally needed cash

Michael Grayson who headed up MBC’s contribution to Tearfund’s Big Quiz Night reports…

On the night itself we counted just over 70 people including children, and by the time we have added in Gift Aid we hope to be able to send Tearfund way over £600.

With our teams making up a nationwide total of more than 25,000 quizzers we began proceedings with a round called Play-Doh Pictionary. This was intended for the children but it soon engaged all the adults causing much laughter.

In all there were eight rounds of questions covering: books, stage and screen, natural world, geography, music, sport, history and a picture round. This was a great way of doing things as it meant that absolutely everyone could make a contribution.

As for reaction, one of our oldest members said they really enjoyed it and even a teenager was heard to say to a friend who didn’t come that they should have as it was really good. 

A short video about the work of Tearfund in Nigeria highlighting the plight of those who have lost family and all their possessions showed how this amazing Christian charity will use the money that we and all the others quizzers gave to share the love of Jesus.

I know it’s still a full year off but as soon as you get your hands on a 2020 diary pop Saturday Nov 14th in it… that’s the date of Tearfund Big Quiz Night next year.

There’s a link below to the official Tearfund Quiz Night web page, and below that a second link to Tearfund’s Home Page. This is where you can find out much more about this wonderful organisation.

Link to Tearfund Home Page.


Prayers for Hong Kong

For peace between people, and for understanding and forbearance between the government of China and the Hong Kong people.

I pray for the fruit of God’s Spirit to be seen in every young person who knows Jesus as LORD in HK.

We pray for safety of our brother’s and sisters and the whole community. We pray for a soft heart to law makers.

For meaningful dialogue

I pray for real wisdom for the Chinese government to respond humanely to achieve a visibly fair solution for Hong Kong.

Pray for decision making of government in a peaceful manner.

Praying for peace and reconciliation and a way forward into a settled future.

I pray that God will be in the centre of Hong Kong. That the people know he is there.

For peace and understanding among each other.

I pray for safety and peace of Young people who are growing up and have been caught up in this unsettling political situation. Bless them and their future. Amen.

Freedom for Christians and that God will turn the situation around that many people will be added to the church in Hong Kong. Peace for those in our church who are connected to Hong Kong.

That peace will be seen in Hong Kong, that resolution will be seen and compromise will be found and both sides will be willing to compromise for peace. That the church may gain a voice in the development of a new way forward.

I pray for a peaceful solution to the unrest in Hong Kong and a return to democracy there. Amen

Prayers for common sense to prevail.

Pray for self-control on all sides and safety for the people.

May democracy prevail. Show your power O Lord! 

Keep the children of Hong Kong safe, give them a peaceful life without interference from China. Bless them all.

Praying for the grace and peace of God for Hong Kong.

Pray for peace to return to Hong Kong
Safety of people and children living in Hong Kong.

Pray for the young people for their safety. For wisdom for the government’s & the decisions they make. 

Praying God to guide the leaders in the best way possible to prevent corruption where it is so likely to happen.

I am praying for peace in Hong Kong.

Pray for peace in Hong Kong in the midst of intensifying unrest. You are in control Lord.

Lord, our heavenly Father, I pray for the people of Hong Kong, Lord, grant them peace in their hearts. We pray for understanding between leadership and the people.

Lord, we pray for the people of Hong Kong that they would know the love of Christ and they would reconcile with one another. We pray that they would see the longing they have for a peaceful and just Hong Kong is a good and true longing that will only be fully satisfied in heaven.  Amen

Pray for wisdom for Xi Jinping and the Communist Party in China in regards to Hong Kong.

Peace, patience and grace

I pray that the people of Hong Kong would trust God’s sovereignty and know that he has a plan for them all. Help the Christian’s to be good witnesses of Jesus and they would be bright lights in these dark times.

I pray for wisdom, calm and self- control for all

We pray for peace in Hong Kong. For discussions that ease tensions. For freedom for all to express their ideas and reach a peaceful way forward.

Pray for decision makers and protesters to listen to each other and find solution which is best for the country.

Dear Lord, I pray for all those suffering in Hong Kong that they may feel the comfort and hope of your presence. Please give wisdom and guidance to all those in authority and that those trapped in situations that they can’t escape may find a way. Amen

I pray for peace and love for the people of Hong Kong.

Pray for peace and understanding and Gods guidance in Hong Kong.

Pray for wisdom & a peaceful outcome to the situation in Hong Kong.

I pray for reconciliation between state and people. I pray for clear demands from the protesters that don’t change. I pray for wisdom for the leaders.

May the Lord be with Hong Kong people

Pray for your Kingdom come and your will be done. For families to be protected. For unity.

Prayer for peace and wisdom to resolve the conflict in Hong Kong

Pray for effective and progressive dialogue between the governments.

Praying for peace, reconciliation and compassion for all in Hong Kong. Wisdom for those in positions of power and decision.

Pray for God to work in unimaginable ways. Pray that young people can hear God’s voice and aren’t swept up in violent activities. Pray that peace will come to Hong Kong. 

Praying for peace, resolution, reconciliation and safety in HK.

May the God of peace remember Hong Kong in Jesus name. Amen!!

I pray that God’s peace will be felt in Hong Kong. I pray for people’s safety and for peaceful dialogue between those in positions of responsibility to bring about change for the better.

Pray for responsible media coverage

We pray for Hong Kong that they have a peaceful solution to their problems. 🙏

I pray that those who hold power in Hong Kong will be brave and listen the voices of those who disagree with them and remember that they are individuals with families and friends who love them. I pray that hearts will not be hardened on either side. I pray that Christians can be understood as people of love, peace, hope and forgiveness. I pray that meaningful talks take place, and that a way forwards can be found that allows dignity for all parties. Amen. 

A bumper bundle delivery from BMS World Mission is laced with suffering, challenge and hope

The latest edition of BMS World Mission’s Engage magazine is now available completely free of charge either through the post or on-line.

However, this 45th issue – twenty pages of news and features from across the globe – comes complete with a number of extras: an August to December Prayer Guide, a catalogue full of BMS Christmas card offers and South Sudan’s Conflict Survivors, a powerful and deeply challenging seven minute long DVD. 

The DVD complete with BSL signing and ready to view via this direct link offers the viewer much more than the usual short, sharp shock. For not only does it examine the terrible suffering of hundreds of thousands of refugees and what we can do to help, it also contains a separate reflection video, a PowerPoint quiz, sermon ideas and even a group leaders guide. 

Describing the DVD as “a window into a world broken by fighting” its sleeve notes say this: “Food shortages. Loss of mobility. Fife-threatening health conditions. These are challenges facing South Sudanese refugees. People who have already been through far too much.” 

To subscribe to Engage and to all its extras visit and follow the link to ENGAGE.

Alternatively Roger Robson, MBC’s BMS World Mission Lead will be glad to set up your free subscription. 

Latest UK statistics show how the refugee and asylum seeker crisis continues – please read this update from PAFRAS

PAFRAS (Positive Action for Refugees & Asylum Seekers) works with refugees, asylum seekers and the wider community to counter the effects of enforced destitution on vulnerable migrants. Its work has three main strands: providing immediate humanitarian relief; long-term support, advice and advocacy aimed at assisting service users to make lasting improvements to their situations and raising awareness and campaigning both locally and nationally on issues affecting our service users.



Little things mean a lot… a message of hope and encouragement from Becky, Bethan, Katie and Marika

Just image you’re six and a half thousand miles from home, facing the prospect of six months living and working in a totally alien culture among people who speak a different language. 

That’s the situation that faced Becky Plummer, Bethan Toward, Katie Hutchins and Marika Jones when last October they landed in Peru at the start of their six month posting as a BMS Action Team. 

Today, back in the UK and half way through an eight week tour of local Baptist churches the girls are using each and every one of their Peruvian experiences to share hope and encouragement with those of us perhaps too timid to contemplate such an enormous challenge. 

On arrival in Peru and soon realising that a lot of things were going to be tough and that any hopes they might have had of instantly changing the world were unrealistic they carefully and prayerfully decided that their number one priority would simply be to make relationships. This meant to be alongside people, often doing the most menial of tasks so that day by day, one step at a time the little things they were doing and saying would enable their practical commitment to the good news of the gospel to make a difference. 

So if like me you were touched by some of the stories that Becky, Bethan, Katie and Marika shared with us remember this… it’s only our support for BMS World Mission that makes such opportunities possible.

Today as the girls move into week five and on to their next church we wish them well, we thank them for calling on us and we pray that the relationships they and their message made in Peru will not only live on but will flourish.

To find out more about the whole raft of ways you can help finance this amazing work visit  or have a word with MBC’s BMS link Roger Robson.

* The picture at the top of this story was taken by School Chaplain Kay Brown when the team visited Abbey Grange Church of England Academy. And it seems as if the girl’s gifts for making relationships continues as Kay has now issued an invitation to Shona for us to contact her re ongoing collaboration. 



Chris Singh and Engage bring us more news from the mission field

It may be a coincidence but in the same week that we say farewell to our BMS Action Team, BMS World Mission’s magazine ENGAGE lands on our doormat.

Published three times a year and accompanied by a free 24 page Prayer Guide ENGAGE brings you all the latest news from just about every country that BMS World Mission operates in. 

With articles from as far afield as South Sudan, France and eastern Ukraine and with stories, letters and features about ceramic heaters, thermal underwear and a three year old’s sponsored scoot the one thing you could never accuse this mag of is being boring. 

The Prayer Guide which runs through May, June, July and August most effectively mixes people and places with projects far and wide.

Both are totally free of charge and can be obtained either by post or on line by visiting

Also this week we received the latest update from Chris and Bela Singh (see below). Besides keeping us up to date with his travels Chris who works with WEC Worldwide and who spends much of his time jetting round the globe teaching broadcasting techniques, journalism and radio ministry makes a number of quite specific prayer requests; things that we here at home can focus on. 

MBC gets a piece of the action at BMS girls Becky, Bethan, Katie and Marika join us

Between Monday 13th and Sunday the 19th of May we are being joined by Becky, Bethan, Katie and Marika four young ladies who between October 2018 and March ’19 made up a BMS Action Team serving in Peru. Now safely back in the UK they are part way through a tour of churches sharing their story.  

During our Communion Service on Sunday May 19th the girls will be telling us about some of the amazing experiences they have had during their year of voluntary service. They’ll also be popping in to and meeting families at the Oasis Cafe on Tuesday, and at the other end of the spectrum going on armchair travels with the Seniors on Wednesday.

The remainder of their time here in Leeds will be spent working alongside students from Abbey Grange High School where they will explore cross cultural mission and of course getting to know our young people at both Impact and Momentum. 

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