Moortots ends the year with not just one but three Super Hero parties

Over recent years Diane Towns and Pauline Bridle have built up something of a reputation for their end of term parties. Indeed, few who saw them will ever forget productions starring Woopsie Daisy the hapless angel or Scruffy the rag-tag dog. Their latest blockbuster, however, reached new heights when they brought together Flash, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Iron Man and a whole load of other super heroes in a play which (eventually) brought us round to the notion that for all their incredible powers it wasn’t someone thrust upon us by Hollywood but Jesus who should really be our hero. 

On Diane’s behalf may I thank all the volunteers who make up the Moortots teams and of course all the mums, dads, grannies, granddads, carers plus uncle Tom Cobbly and all who join them week by week. 

Below is a gallery of pictures taken at the Thursday morning party (simply click on the image to see a larger version) and if you think your’e strong enough there’s also a link HERE that you can click on to watch our Youtube video.


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