The Great MBC Easter Egg Hunt… see all our letters here and unravel our mystery message

Today we are showing you all the letters that make up our special Easter message. All you need do is jot them down and unscramble them. All the eggs and the letters have been created by members of our Children and Families Team, and I think you will agree with me that they have all done a terrific job.

So (in no particular order) we have an O from Hilary, Y from Anita, H from Claire, R from Angela, a P from Gwynneth, S from Mary, E from Jane, E from Celia, E from Sheila, P from Eilidh, E from Sarah, R from David, E from Diane, T from Sammy, A from Anne, N from Rochelle, A from Pauline, V from Sue, Y from Roger and finally an exclamation mark from Jan.

There’s a collage here of everyone all jumbled up but to keep things tidy we have also put all our pictures into one gallery which means all you have to do now is click on each picture and make a note of the letter.

We have also posted all these on the MBC Facebook page, on the Moortots Facebook page and on the families Whatsapp group. 

*Just a reminder that normal safeguarding rules apply so children should only access Facebook if they are with an adult.


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